Monday, December 9, 2013


I love giving and wrapping gifts it makes me so very happy!
In the pictures below I recycled brown paper from large packages from Amazon to make my own wrapping paper.
Supplies I used were: brown paper, pencil, gold paint, paint brush, ribbon, bakers twin, mason jar lid, rubber dot, glue and scissors.

Gold paint

Dip eraser end of pencil in gold paint or color of your chose. But make sure it is a new pencil so you get a nice clean dot.  

Now dot your paper, you just don't want too much paint on the end of your pencil otherwise you get a glop.  

One down and lots to go... 

Super cute!

Now big dots, I hot glued a rubber dot to a mason jar lid, it works just like a stamp!  

I think I like the big dots the best but their both very cute!

Wrapping with a map is so much fun! I am such a nerd, whenever I find a free map of anywhere I get a couple. Maps are fun for a lot of things like, decorating, scrapbooking, jounaling, and of course wrapping!  


Little dots!

Big, little 

Be a little creative with your wrapping and packaging!

With Love, Emma Katherine

Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting Ready

Getting Ready 

My brother, sister, and I are going 10 day primitive rendezvous    this summer to a in Minnesota with
 my grandparents. So for 10 days we will wear clothes
and shoes that kids in the 1840 would have worn.
We will cook on the fire, sleep on the ground,
and wash our clothes in the river.
While we are there we will shoot black powder riffles,
 go to the trading shops, and have canoe races. 

That little block on the pink skirt is the soap I will wash
my hair with, it is oatmeal honey soap!  
This is my dress 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fun Cute Cards

I love making cards! 

I have 41 cards made for the arts fest 

spring cake


                         Spring Time Cake!

Yummy Chocolate Cake with Spring Time Sprinkles!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Getting ready for the State College Arts Fest

I just got a circut cutter and I made this card 

bottle baby lambs

This is me feeding pumpkin my bottle baby!
Her mother didn't have enough milk to feed her.
so now I am her mom!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

more lambs

                               More lambs

We had more lambs this morning. Blackberry had two ram lambs!!

I made the jammies the night before.  We put them on for a day or two to keep them toasty and warm! 

Here are two videos I took today in the barn.  They are a bit dark but it still gives you a peek into what is happening in the barn.  New life is such a wonder and as my sister has said over and over about the lambs "They are so cute."  Or "O' I love You Sugar Booger."